European Interest

Migration: MEPs object to the use of EU funds for “controlled centres”

Migrants in the port of Catania, Sicily, April 23 2015.

Civil Liberties MEPs rejected on Monday providing EU funds to member states for the provision of services in “controlled centres” for migrants.

The Committee approved two objections to Commission delegated acts that, with the aim of responding to additional needs from national authorities in the field of asylum, migration and integration, particularly for reception and accommodation for asylum-seekers or migrants in irregular situation, widens the scope of activities eligible for funding under two EU funds to include “controlled centres” established by member states.

MEPs underline that the concept of “controlled centres” is a controversial one “of questionable legality” which does not exist under Union law and has not been approved by the colegislators.

They insist that such a concept should not be funded “unless and until it is properly defined in an appropriate legislative instrument -adopted by the colegislators- detailing its legal basis, nature, purpose and objective”.

The European Commission tabled the delegated acts in December. The first one amends the regulation establishing the instrument for financial support for external borders and visa (part of the Internal Security Fund), while the second one modifies the regulation establishing the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

The Civil Liberties Committee backed both objections with 44 votes to 8.

If the objections are endorsed by the whole Parliament, the legal changes will not enter into force. To be adopted, objections to delegated acts need the backing of a majority of the MEPs. The vote in plenary is scheduled to take place during the March II session (25-28 March).

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