Tag: fossil fuels

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Greens: The European Investment Bank must adapt to new climate realities

Today, directors at the European Investment Bank are set to discuss an updated lending policy which could result in the phasing out of investment...

The climate is changing and there’s no time for lies

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirms that humanity have lost every policy target set in in Sundsvall, Sweden in 1990. There is...

Greece is slamming the door on the Green jobs of the future

The Greek government has stated that it will go ahead with plans to renew subsidies to the coal sector and allow drilling for natural...

Four countries scupper EU’s 2050 carbon-neutrality strategy

The article was originally published on META: https://meta.eeb.org/2019/06/25/four-countries-scupper-eus-2050-carbon-neutrality-strategy/ The Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary and Poland have delayed an essential decision for the EU to be...

The fight against climate change high on Finish presidency agenda

The Finnish presidency of the Council of the EU will place the fight against climate change high on its agenda. One of the challenges...


Eurobarometer: EU citizens see democracy and economic power as critical strengths

According to a new Eurobarometer survey published today, Europeans...

Ministerial no-shows snub Hungary’s EU Council informal health summit

Just three health ministers from European Union (EU) member...

EU and Singapore conclude negotiations for Digital Trade Agreement

Today, the EU and Singapore have successfully concluded their...
