Stricter measures to reduce pollution from ships

On Thursday, Transport and Tourism Committee voted to update EU rules on preventing pollution from ships in European seas and ensuring perpetrators face fines....

Deal on improving transparency in the short-term rental sector

On Wednesday night, MEPs and the Spanish Presidency of the Council reached a provisional agreement on the regulation on data collection and sharing related...

The successor of the Cotonou Agreement is finally signed in Samoa

Tomas Tobé (EPP, SE), Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Development, welcomes the signature of the new Samoa Agreement, which will provisionally enter...

Deal to boost methane emission reductions from the energy sector

Late Tuesday night, negotiators from the Parliament and Council reached a provisional political agreement on a new law to reduce methane emissions from the...

Prime Minister Pashinyan will not attend the upcoming CSTO summit

The President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, called the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, to discuss the upcoming Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) summit that will...

