Parliament approves EU-New Zealand free trade agreement

The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) will remove 100% of New Zealand tariffs on EU exports on its entry into force and will lift 98.5%...

The successor of the Cotonou Agreement is finally signed in Samoa

Tomas Tobé (EPP, SE), Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Development, welcomes the signature of the new Samoa Agreement, which will provisionally enter...

ACP-EU cooperation: the new Samoa Agreement finally signed

The new agreement will be signed on November 15 and will constitute the framework for relations between the EU and 78 countries in Africa,...

EU-Australia free trade deal collapsed

Negotiations between the European Union and Australia over a free trade deal since 2018 have hit another snag, with talks breaking down before they...

S&Ds: Equal partnership with Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Countries to address global challenges

After five days of intense debates, a vote on resolutions and visits on the ground, the 43rd session of the Joint Plenary Assembly among...

