The Council addresses the situation of people suffering from both drug use and mental health disorders


The Council adopted conclusions on people suffering from drug use disorders and other mental health disorders.

The Council invites Member States to consider disorders related to drug use and co-occurring with other mental health disorders as an important challenge for drug and mental health services and policies.

The conclusions propose the adoption of health, mental health and drug policies that develop responses to the needs of people with drug use problems and other mental health disorders and pay special attention to groups in vulnerable situations. In this regard, Member States, the Commission and other relevant actors should seek to develop personalized interventions adapted to people’s special needs and specific individual and social factors, as well as comorbidity.

“We know that there is a direct relationship between drug use and mental health, we also know that the presence of a mental health disorder can lead to the consumption of certain substances, so it is essential, when we talk about dual disorder, that the response healthcare is comprehensive and multidisciplinary,” said Monica Garcia, Spanish Minister of Health.

Member States, the Commission and other EU agencies and bodies are also encouraged to provide institutional and financial support to develop appropriate responses to the needs of people with drug use problems and other co-occurring mental disorders.

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