Finland criticised for exporting fox fur

More than £2.5m of fur items have been imported into the UK from Finland over the last five years, according to an exclusive report...

Finns relationship with EU

Finland’s membership to the European Union brought prosperity – and continues to do so, but it’s no longer a love affair. As reported by YLE...

Finland springs forward to summer time, lobbies for scrapping the exercise

March 25 might have been the last time Finland moves the clocks one hour forward to daylight savings time. It has proposed to abolish...

Finland backs redistribution of UK’s EU seats, stirs controversy at home

Finland’s European affairs, culture and sports minister, Sampo Terho, is disappointed with the government’s decision to back the partial redistribution of the United Kingdom’s...

Transport costs too high in Finland

High transport costs in Finland are taking a big bite out Finns disposable income – so big they are being pushed below the official...

